Monday, January 17, 2011

I miss him

Truly; I miss Frisco.  He was my angel from God.  As I reflect on my life with him; so much has been made clear.  First of all; Frisco was beautiful.  He loved without reservation and forgave so very quickly.  He forgave because he loved.  To him; nothing was worth going to bed in anger.  He had the eyes of a child.  You could tell that he cared for you just by the way he looked at you.  Simple things made him happy and hanging out with me in the living room while we watched a movie was always a gift for him.  His simplicity was so pure that I would find myself suspicious of it; wondering what his true intentions were.  My own corruption I projected onto him; but he was not like me.  He was consistently giving, kind, sincere, and loving.  He always smiled and he laughed at the way I cut vegetables.  He loved me and gave me so much.  I miss him.
